
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Thanksgiving Traditions

The countdown is on! There is a week left until Thanksgiving Day and even less until Thanksgiving break. With up to a week off to engage in many fun activities it is also a time to revisit those traditions from your younger years. You can even start some new traditions with your family and friends this year!

Whether it’s cooking a random dish from Pinterest or playing “Bingo” while watching the parade these fun traditions will keep you entertained for years to come!

1. Have a skype date with your college friends and sisters! It is likely that you are home for Thanksgiving so set a date with your sisters to reunite!

2. Place bets on which relative will fall asleep first after lunch!

3. Play board games - Try to find a lively board game such as Apples to Apples or an obscene one like Cards Against Humanity and invite the whole family to play. 

4. Cook a "non-Thanksgiving" food to serve - Who says you can't have french fries with turkey?

5. Cook a new recipe - Pinterest is a wonderful place to find new recipes, pick one at random and try it out for Thanksgiving dinner!

6. Make Christmas Cards - After you have finished Thanksgiving dinner it is officially Christmas season! Gather the family and make Christmas cards for your local nursing home or children's center!

7. Wake up at 3 am to go Black Friday shopping the day after Thanksgiving.

8. Travel if you are able to and visit a new place. This is best to do a day or two before Thanksgiving!

9. Parade Bingo - This is a simple game that can be played annually while watching you favorite Thanksgiving Day parade! Make player cards with things such as a girl wearing a red scarf or a wrongly sung lyric and fill them in when you see the corresponding item in the parade!

10. Make fun crafts with the whole family! Browse Pinterest for fun crafts and pick up some supplies to get the whole family involved! Maybe make some Christmas decorations to put up?

What are your favorite Thanksgiving traditions?

1 comment:

  1. I love these ideas! I always love crashing on the couch and watching football after eating. I'm so excited for this holiday!

    Ellen | A Pop of Pink
