
Monday, January 26, 2015

Five Beauty Essentials for Winter

With winter nearly in full swing, it is likely that your skin is feeling the effects of the harsh weather. I know that personally, I am putting on lotion multiple times a day to help prevent my skin from becoming dry. With that being said, it is essential that you adapt your beauty routine to the winter to keep your hair and skin in tip top shape for when summer rolls along.

1. The first step you should take when updating your winter routine is changing to a winter body wash that specializes in moisturizing. The cold, dry air in the winter can damage and dry out your skin in a second. If you switch to a body wash that moisturizes, you are taking an additional step to prevent winter skin damage. 

2. Secondly, you should add a weekly hair mask to your routine. For some, a hair mask is not an option but for normal to dry hair types the winter weather will suck out any life that your hair previously had. A weekly restorative mask will provide your hair with the essential oils that will prevent damage from the dry weather. 

3. Adding a calming lotion will help any rough patches of your skin heal faster. Like I previously stated, I apply lotion multiple times throughout the day and have found lotions with cucumber, wheat, or lavender tend to be the most effective for very dry regions and also leave a fresh scent. 

4. Like adding a calming lotion helps your skin, adding a calming moisturizer to your daily facial routine will work wonders. The red patches caused by the cold winds can often be sensitive and tender to many traditional moisturizers. Therefore adding a moisturizer specifically for sensitive skin that includes cucumber will treat these areas without causing additional pain. 

5. Finally, switching to an ultra-conditioning chapstick will keep lips from becoming chapped. Many college students face cold wind and weather on their walks to class and the lips are one of the most vulnerable features. Though you may have to reapply multiple times throughout the day the added conditioning will keep your lips covered longer. 

What are you must have winter beauty items? 

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