
Wednesday, January 7, 2015

The Real Ways To Meet Your Resolutions

You Can Do It! 

Two years ago, someone asked me what my New Year’s Resolution was and I answered, “To be happier.” That was it. I stopped making lists for myself that were over the top and impossible for me to live up to. It had gotten to the point where I was no longer aiming to better myself for myself for the New Year, but instead I was aiming to better myself for others.  
So this year, now that we are a few days into the new calendar year, ask yourself, “Have I made these goals for myself, or for other people?”

Do It For You
With that great resolution list, make sure you have a solid reasoning behind those goals. The only real way you are going to be able to meet your goals is if you truly have a reason to stick to them. This year let your number one reason to sticking to your goals be your own happiness. It’s okay to be selfish sometimes.

Stay In Touch With Reality
Make sure what you’re doing is realistic. That goal of having a super model body is nice, but starting yourself with realistic terms and conditions will get you there a lot quicker than dieting and crying for a week will. The reality is, we often hype ourselves up on the perfect images we see around us so much that we forget it won’t all happen in a day.
So when you make that healthy lifestyle goal, know yourself. Are you really about to work out twice a day, seven days a week and tell yourself that carbs are not an option? If the answer is no, then really think about how becoming healthier is going to work for you. Choose a routine that fits your schedule. Skip the fast food and make a meal at home. Instead of having a movie and pizza night with friends, exchange it for something active that you can all do together.

Make A Plan
So the fall semester didn’t make your GPA look too hot. This is your year to really clean up that transcript. This means that goal of all A’s isn’t going to happen without a plan. To meet any of your goals, a plan needs to be put into place.
Go ahead and take the assignments calendars from your class syllabi and put the assignments into a planner. If you don’t even have a planner, the investment is definitely worth it. Make it so that your class work fits into part of your day. For many, organizations and clubs take up a lot of time, but we have also had a common purpose within them, and that’s school. Organizations aren’t fun if you don’t have the good standing to participate.

The New Year brings us all kinds of new opportunities. It reminds us that it’s never too late to start a change. You have the ability to achieve any goal that you really want to, but first you have to know yourself. If you don’t know yet, it’s the perfect year to find out what makes you happy, and if you don’t know what makes you happy it’s the perfect year to find out. 

Editors Note: This article was written by one of our new writers, Amanda! Show her some love in the comments and help us welcome her to our team. 

1 comment:

  1. Do it for you! That is the truest thing I have read and one of the best ways to be successful and happy!
