
Monday, April 13, 2015

Making the Most of Alum Groups

The end is near for you seniors. Time to don your sorority stoles and make the walk to receive your diploma. After four years of all-nighters, formals, and random 2 AM Taco Bell runs, you are moving on into a world where these are not acceptable. How do you hold on the the letters you love so much while making this transformation?

1. Join your local alum group - The simplest way to connect with your local alum group is to simply request to join. Send an email to the chapter president and express your interest in joining.

2. Get to know each sister in the group - Once you join, don't just show up for meetings. Reach out to the members and get to know them all. Though there may be an age difference, you can always learn something form everyone.

3. Help plan events for the group - You are fresh out of college, meaning you are the one who has most recently been involved in planning active events. Use your expertise in planning and help plan the next alum brunch or philanthropy event.

4. Send snail mail to your "new" sisters - Everyone loves to receive mail. Remember how you loved sending mail to your big when she was doing study abroad? Remember how much she loved to receive it? Take the time to send fun letters to the members  of your local alum group.

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