
Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The 5 People You Meet in Every Sorority Chapter

Every chapter is different! We say that every member is unique and at the end of the day that is true however we all have a few people that you will find in absolutely every chapter!

1. Miss TSM

This formal superlative is used to describe your chapter's Starbucks loving, Kate Spade toting, cooler painting, srat-tastic sister! I'm my chapter's Miss TSM (at least for another two weeks) so this girl is usually someone I can relate to in every chapter!

2. The Hippie

While she may not always be rocking a flower crown, you can expect that she always has a little something boho on. She's the one that knows about the best music and the latest yoga trends. Shoutout to her if she is influencing everyone to pick up a hula hoop!

3. The Library Dweller

She is personally responsible for maintaining your chapter's GPA. If you need a study buddy, this sister is your girl. I think she has stopped paying rent to her apartment and now makes a check out to the library every month.

4. The Back Row Senior

When the president calls for new business, this girl is the first with her hand in the air with a comment on something or another. She cares so much about your chapter that she is terrified about what will happen when she leaves so she is throwing everything into her last semester!

5. The Real MVP

There is a sheet sign that is due for Derby Days in 24 hours. This is the first person you will text. Homecoming week is two weeks away and you need someone to step up as the chair? She will volunteer to help out and she will kick ass. This girl always comes in clutch so don't take her for granted and make sure to save her a spot on the tabling sign up!

Here's to these 5 lovely ladies! We love you!

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