Monday, December 8, 2014

Moving On Up

This year I finally took the leap and moved off-campus. Freshman year I lived in the dorms, but for the past two years I lived in my sorority house. I have so many great memories from living there, but I wanted a change for my senior year. So, I gathered up a group a friends and we embarked on our house search. It was just like House Hunters. We toured houses, and then had three to choose between. I’m so glad I made the decision to live off-campus, but I’m also really glad I waited until my senior year.

My humble abode for the year.

One of the main reasons I wanted to live off-campus was so that I could choose who I would live with. I absolutely love my sorority sisters, but I also love my rowing teammates. By moving off-campus I was able to live with who I wanted, which happened to be 2 teammates, 2 friends from freshman year, and 1 girl who is a teammate and a sorority sister. Choosing who to live with can be really difficult, but it’s essential that you find a group that melds well. Just because someone is your best friend doesn't mean you would be great housemates. It’s okay to be honest with yourself about who you can and cannot live with since that house will last for an entire year.

When looking for a house, make sure to weigh all your options. First and foremost, consider whether it is better to live on-campus or off-campus. If you decide that off-campus is the best option for you, it’s time to figure out your budget. Most people account for rent and utilities, but don’t forget the other expenses. There’s no longer anyone to provide toilet paper or cleaning supplies. The little odds and ends expenses can really add up. The biggest shock to my wallet has been food. I didn't have a meal plan when I lived here over the summer and I was surprised by how much time and money to took to make three meals a day. When school started I decided to get a small meal plan so I could grab lunch on campus between classes and coffee whenever I wanted it. Some people are amazing cooks and bakers…me, not so much. If I had to rely on my own abilities, I would be eating a lot of bagels and taquitos.

Although living off-campus can be daunting, it can also be really fun. My housemate and I scoured garage sales all summer to collect décor for our nautical themed living room. It’s still a bit of a work in progress, but I love it so far. Not living on campus also means not having to follow strict campus rules. No more quiet hours for me!

Living off-campus can be a great experience in college. If you have any other tips, leave them in the comments!

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