Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Pseudo Bigs are the New Black

Pseudo Bigs Are #FLAWLESS

Big and Little relationships are made to help the little, who is also a new member, adjust to sorority life. Usually, bigs and littles are matched up perfectly because they already fostered a strong bond with each other. Although, in rare cases, some match ups don’t work out. This leaves the little in a fickle because she doesn't know who to go to when she needs help or who to seek that ever-lasting bond with. Alas, a pseudo big can come forward to help that little find her place.

If you are unfamiliar with the term pseudo big, it’s when an older active becomes the little’s new big. Contrary to belief, pseudo bigs serve a positive purpose and are not out to steal their fellow sister’s little. They become a mentor to the new member when the original big has disaffiliated or merely doesn't have time to be there for her little. Pseudo bigs mean a lot to littles because it’s a chance for littles to find someone they can look up to and make that magical big/little relationship they see everyone else have.

Pseudo bigs are not supposed to be seen as the enemy, instead they should be a blessing in disguise. I, myself, am a pseudo little and I couldn't be happier. My relationship with my original big was basically non-existent. Then I got picked up by someone who helped me along the way through all the troubles I was facing. They even helped me when I was facing a moral dilemma of picking up littles because I was nervous about what kind of big I would end up as. However, because my new big became such a great impact on my life, I was able to showcase the same love and affection to my littles.

As long as there are no ill feelings towards adopting a new little, pseudo bigs are the true bigs. Some may think the term is unnecessary because they think as long as the little makes a relationship with other members, there’s no need to search for a new big. However, it is about the little. They are the ones who want to make the best out of their time in the sorority. And while they have relationships with other members, it is nothing close to the big and little relationship. Pseudo bigs are kindling a relationship to shine a light on the little’s experience in her new member period and the rest of her sorority time. 

*Editors Note: This article was written by one of our new writers, Christina! Read more about her here!

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